November was a busy month. Students finished their guided reading group books and then created dioramas to represent a significant event in their story. Students used Seesaw to share their final product and explain the significance of the event they chose. Here are a few dioramas currently
displayed in our classroom :

Students also published their realistic narrative stories which are also currently on display.
In literacy we are now immersed in reading biographies and taking notes to prepare ourselves to write about the selected characters. We kicked off the unit by reading about the famous Vermonter, Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley. The assignment was very timely as now our hallway is decorated with beautiful snowflakes and information about this influential Vermonter.
Hopefully you also "heard" about the amazing sound unit that Miss Sloane led. The engaging, hands-on lessons helped all the students learn how sound waves travel. The students designed instruments and put on a parade to showcase their final pieces.
Finally, we are wrapping up Unit 2 in math. We continue to review and practice our math facts. This week we are focusing on our 6 facts. Students will be assessed on Friday. Any extra practice they can do at home will help them become more fluent with their facts.